
What is Licks?


Kick-ass chain of burger joints in the Greater Toronto Area and Southern Ontario. Puts everyone else's burgers to shame. If you're going to have a burger-and-fries meal, this is the place!

I don't eat burgers and fries very often, but when I do, I get them from Licks.

See burger, french fries, mmmmm, fast food, homeburger


Lick means to hit, usually to slap. Also associated with being whipped.

She busted her man out on cheatin and he caught 3 licks in front of everybody


abbreviation for liquor

"Yo, we gotta go get some licks for tonight"

See Na Na


a noun, slang for robberies

I rented a piece (firearm) for the licks.


to suck, not good or cool; short for licks ass.

I like most of this bands songs but there new release really licks.

See suck, lame, crappy, bad, terrible


Scottish slang for effort, speed or enthusiasm

Did you see him running after that bus? He was giving it big licks!

See effort, fast, speed, gusto, enthusiasm


to get a painful beating

Marcus- Mumy can i hav a.....


Marcus- *gives mom a puppy look*

His Mom- *slaps him really hard*

Marcus- No Mumy don't give me no stinken licks!

His Mom- I'll give you licks when i want to

Marcus- No I have beef!

His Mom- *hits him again*

Marcus- *runs crying to his room*

See lash, bitch-slap, beat, punch, strike, hit


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