
What is Lifetime?


a bad channel that "inspires" women with stories about women with breast cancer that were molested as a child getting beat up by their alcoholic unemployed mullet husband.

I think lifetime is for man-hating lesbians

See asdf


The battered woman channel.

Nothing wrong with a channel for women, but it seems this network is run by men-hating extreme feminists.

How long has that channel been around, anyway?


A depressing tv network which hurts women more than pure misogyny with its mindnumbing, predictable shows about women who get beaten, raped, abducted by aliens, committed to mental hospitals, sexually harassed, brainwashed, etc.

Do women who watch Lifetime ever leave the house, or are they afraid to?


"Lifetime... Television for idiots" (Family Guy)

Kyle: dude i was watching lifetime yesterday and...

Me: Stfu and sit, idiot


A god-awful television network that has programming that usually features a woman who is 'wronged' by a man. The men are usually portrayed as assholes, and in the end the woman ususally comes out on top and 'wins', because afterall Liftime is for shitheads.

What the fuck are you watching Lifetime for you queer.

See tv, women, feminist, shit, bad


TV channel that markets itself towards women with too much time on their hands. Usually, severely biased vs. men, portraying us as either incompetant, weak, evil/corrupt, abusive, or any combination/alteration of the preceding. Usually portrays women as perfect, and if there happens to be a female antagonist, you can definitely tell she's effed up in the dome. Hillary Clinton's personal campaign aid for her upcoming 2008 election. Don't Vote Clinton.

Nobody should watch lifetime.

Lifetime is Hillary's tool.

Curb the femvolution before it starts by dismantling lifetime.

See tv, women, frontin, trippin, trick, jackin


Is there a reason why this boring channel is even on the air?

I don't know of anybody who even watches Lifetime anywy.

See Matt


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