Lil Fizz

What is Lil Fizz?


sexy, velumtious full pink lips with jetblack,curly hair and the sexiest smile that will make you weak in the knees in a second !!!!!!!!!!!!

a white chocolate chameleon.


Lil fizz fine sexy light skinded brotha who is talented n keeps the ladies wantin more

finetalentedsexyever thing u can ask for n even more


Lil Fizz is a part of a group called B2K. he's the rapper of the group. He as 2 siblings (Brooke, & Chez.) He enjoys playing basket-ball and football. (and hez extremely HOT!!!)

I love Lil Fizz


Cutie not by choice but by Gods Blessing. y, hot,delicious and the finest light skinned cutie you will ever see.

The iceing on my cake and the cherry on top of my sunday!


He Is Charming,Handsome,Funny,Loveable,Smart,Sweet,Personal Feelings,and have the sexiest looks.

He is a rapper and know nobody can,t handle that body but him.

See Sharmaine


sexy,fine,carmelicious,my "choclate" fantasy,fine and mine.

big bootie (booty)


every grls fanta-c

if hes not, well dats 2 bad bcuz hez da FINEST light skin nigga w/ dat culry hair 'n full curvy lips da u'll eva c

See Giselle


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