Lil Nigga

What is Lil Nigga?


1. An expression used as a substitute for lil dawg, lil homie, young blood, young bruh, etc.

2. A young man/little boy, especially if naïve and inexperienced.

----This definition of lil nigga can be more addressed by the older and/or more experienced.----

3. A young man/little boy that's fearful or less of a threat.

Why that lil nigga always acting up?

See lil' nigga, naive, rookie


Meaning that you are less of a threat or a coward

That boy wont do nothin he just a lil nigga

See little, nigger, lil, nigga, coward, pussy, less


A gamer that is lower than the MEDIUM NIGGA, but still shows promise...sometimes.

The general goal of the LIL NIGGA is to become the MEDIUM NIGGA. Although this is possible, it is a hard task to accomplish seeing as the MEDIUM NIGGA is at a higher level.



BIG NIGGA: Go kill the LIL NIGGA, we don't want his hopes going up too high.

MEDIUM NIGGA: Right then. I'll be right back.

*BAM! LIL NIGGA just died*

See lil nigga, lil, lower, gamer


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