
What is Lillard?


The fusion of the two names; "Lilly" and "Millard" into a singular expression, often used to describe a female drummer who is great at her favourite pursuit.

"Lillard" can be used as a nickname, and can me a play on words in a popular song by The Darkness

"My Goodness! That Girl is a Lillard!"

"Lillard on The Rocks (With No ice)"

See drummer, drums, female, darkness


an amazing girl who loves to have fun and is very attractive. shes hard to get, but worth the chase.

"wow, that girl is such a LillARd"

See lilly, lillard, lil, lily, little


A complimentary term for a female drummer who is good at what she does.

"The band last night was great! The girl on drums was a proper Lillard!"

See drummers, female, music, rock, uk


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