
What is Limerick?


Irelands third City, capital of the mid-west region. Famous for its sporting traditions and night life. The city has a population of 100,000 and although known for crime has actually one of the lowest crime rates in the country. The city is a major tourist attraction from Kings Island right through to the Georgian District.

Limerick: Irelands richest city (based on average income per population)

See city, ireland, limerick, munster, rugby, sport


Nickname: Stab City, given to it by Dubliners.

County in Ireland. Has an extremely bad reputation because of crime rates. You'd have to be 8 ft tall and 22stone armed with knives and guns to walk around the Southill area after 9.00pm.

Don't leave your car outside your back at ANY hour in the Southill area, as it will surely be stolen.

But is Limerick the worst place to live in Ireland? I DON'T think so.

Why? Because, besides the MANY, many SCUM that live there it's also filled with friendly, up for a laugh people, who could drink you under the table and bring you to the best house party ever. End of!

Limerick: The only place I've ever had a love/hate relationship with.

See true, violent, mad, fun, bad


A verse form, often humorous and generally off-color or obscene, as:

"Then up spoke the Bey of Algiers,

And said to his harem, 'My dears,

'Tho' you may think it odd of me,

I've given up sodomy.

Tonight there'll be fucking! (Loud cheers).

They were just a bunch of drunken Oxford dons, spouting limericks.

See cornholio


City in the Southwest of Ireland.

Has got the nickname "stab city" because a lot of parts are dangerous. "Very dangerous".

This is mainly because of a gangwar between the Ryans and the Keanes.

Stay away of O'Malley park and the Southill area whilst in Limerick!

Not only are the ordinary gangs active in Limerick, The Continuety IRA have storehouses for thier AK-47's, in Luimmineach.

Welcome to the real world; Welcome to limerick


A county in Ireland where you just don't go without carrying a knife

Fuck,he's from limerick.They're born with stanley knives in their hand


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