
What is Liming?


A substitute for "hanging around," or "loitering."

Stop liming around those asians.


The concept of liming encompasses any leisure activity entailing the sharing of food and drink, the exchange of tall stories, jokes and anecdotes etc., provided the activity has no explicit purpose beyond itself.

It is a good excuse to go liming.....

See liming, lime, limer


v. The act of downloading a file using illicit file-sharing software of some sort. e.g. Napster, Kazaa, Limewire.

See also: Lime, Liming Tax

"I wish he wouldn't keep liming all this music. He'll get caught one day."

See download, illegal, file sharing, napster, kazaa


the process of downloading information such as music or videos (i.e. using limewire or another downloading source)

"I'm liming some tunes onto my computer. I can burn you a CD later, if you want."

See lime, liming, download, downloading, music, tunes


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