What is Lincolnshire Sausage Condom?
The Lincolnshire Sausage Condom or the (L.S.C) is when your at that crucial moment at home with a female where your about to get your Freak on Then She Turns and Says 'have u got a condom' so without ruining that moment (because you used all your condoms last weekend) you go to the fridge find one of your mums Lincolnshire Sausages she was planning on using for Breakfast,Scrape the meat out the middle then use the skin as a back up condom.. Bang away Bang.
(Gav) Totally had to use the
L.S.C trick last nite man!
(Steve)Whats that?
(Gav) The Lincolnshire Sausage Condom..Take one of our Fine Homemade
Sausages take out the meat in the middle and use it as a reserverubber !
(Steve) that shit works??
(Gav) yeah man.. you cant let that bitch get away with the have you got a
condom trick.