
What is Linguistics?


Linguistics is the scientific study of language. Linguistics examines language through its structue and use. the fields of structure are Phonetics & Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics which deal with sounds, words, sentences, meaning, and interaction respectively. Language use is studied as it interface with other fields such as sociology, psychology, computer science, literature, anthropology, philosophy, or history.

Isn't John studying linguistics?

No, he just speaks four langauges, but Jill is a linguist.


Linguistics is a field of study focusing on the structure of language. Completely captivating and impossibly satisfying.

A 2 year old child learns on average 9 new concepts a day. Somehow the brains of toddlers can intuit multiple abstract concepts over the course of a day. Do you remember what it was like to understand what a drain is? a lock? to sweat? to worry? to forget? glass? digestion? Linguistics explores the way people use language and its connection to the brain/cognitive development.

See semantics, syntax, chomsky


useless piece of shit

study of language

linguistics sucks sucks sucks

See Dong Woo


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