
What is Lion?


A big, furry brown cat, found in the savvanna of Africa. NOT the jungle, you phyco's. Often toated as the king of beasts, and no one knows why. Some say that the lion is the biggest cat, even though the tiger is the biggest cat in the world. Often hunted for trophies.

Lion- Bwa ha ha! I'm the lord of the jungle!

Tiger- (walks out of jungle) Dude, you live in a savvanna

Lion- Shut up and bow, slave!

Tiger- (bashes lion with paw, instantly snapping neck) Bitch!

See tiger, jungle, africa, hunter


a lion is the second largest feline,next to the tiger, they live in africa in the savannah and some live in more wooded areas

Male lions are much larger than female lions but the female lions do all the hunting for that reason, male lions are to big and slow to catch anything besides something slow, and male lions who live in more wooded areas are more likley to hunt for themselves

there are often only 2 adult male lions in a pride and many females with cubs of either gender

lions r very defensive and protective of their prides and usually males will not tolerate outside males and the females will not tolerate outside females

male lions are expelled or leave on their own wen they mature

the new male leaders, after they "dethrone" the past leader, will often kill the remaining cubs

and there is my detailed definition :)

lion: i am king of the...well not jungle...savanah?

other animals: *wtf* alright then...=

See lion, hunt, feline, tiger, africa


(verb) Running your fingers through your partner's hair durning vigorous making out causing a drastic increase in hair volume; thus causing the hair to take on the appearance of a lion's mane.

{Brian and Michele intensly making out on a futon}

Michele: BRIAN! I told you not to lion me! We are going to visit my parents later!

Brian: It's better than leaving a chinese takeoutin your purse.

See lion, tiger, bear, oh my, making out, animal love


The notion that any adage or proverb will become instantly improved if you substitute one of the original words with "lion," as created by J. Jacques in his web comic, Questionable Content.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw lions

The enemy of my enemy is my lion

I would do anything for lion, but I wouldn't do that.

Speak softly and carry a big lion

Measure twice, lion once

Don't look a gift lion in the mouth (This actually makes more sense then the original saying)

See questionable content, lions


1- A big feline, not as big as the tiger, but much stronger. It used to inhabit a large part of the middle east, india and even europe. More than just a big cat, it's really sociable, they live in prides and share the game. The lioness, almost always is the hunter, the male lion is known as a lazy bastard but in fact he deserves to be treated as a king, since he is the guardian of the family. They live in jungles, too (the asiatic lion in india).

2- Someone showing bravery, masculinity or both

1- The lion likes to sunbath everyday.

2- Guy 1: *Getting near Chuck Norris, risking his life*

Guy 2: Dude you are a lion! *gets roundhouse-kicked*

See cat, brave, chuck norris, africa, savannah, king


it is a cat, example of when you might use this word

firned: i am bored

me: me too

friend:whats that??


*knocks over like 10 8th graders that get mad*

trust ,me this has happened before

See lion, jesus, christ, get, in, the, car


A lion is when you insert your penis in the middle of a paper plate or leaf. This looks like a mane, in the effect that it resembles a lion. If you whip that shit out on a girl, she won't be able to help but try and tame that beast.

I was with this bitch last night and showed her the lion; she started sitting on it trying to put it to sleep.

See sex, boner, irresistable


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