Lise Fenton

What is Lise Fenton?


Hilarious as hell, better then all of the assholes she has dated (other then the most recent) and can kick the ass of anyone and insult them in any language

"Lise, your so cool"

"El bastardo"


Lise......well it is alot harder to define Lise then you would think.......

Annoying tan chick that thinks GSB is Uber sexy (I know he is though) Is just a little scary......has her moments when she is a biznatch......but the rest of the time she is a really good person.

Can be found Stalking GSB and a certian Alan MacPherson. Known to say : Mer, Mooble, and I am ditching you (ha ha ha just kidding)


Definition 1) Pertaining to or consisting of a lot of arm hair.

Definition 2) BITCH

Definition 3) See Rotten Crotch

Origin: Back in the Old English Med-eval days, rotton-crotched men would give this term to the woman who could consume the most Male bodily fluids -see lovejuice-in one sitting (kneeling).

Example in Sentance:

"Lise Fenton your pussy is huge, your pussy is huge"

"Why say it twice?"

"I didn't, it was an echo"


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