
What is List?


a record to keep track of several items.

A list must contain more than one item to be considered an actual list.


1. the last tool for lazy writers who want to show how hip their knowledge is.

2. a way for people's tastes to be researched, commodified, and totally exploited on online sites such as myspace

3. an item so overused in lieu of actually creating something, that it signifies the end of innovation and the impending apocalypse of popular culture.

I wish people would stop making lists of crap like in that mediocre movie, High Fidelity.

See bullet, myspace, apocalypse


A verb used in place of owned, pwned, etc. Most commonly used in reference to video games. The origin is the deep dark realms of my mind.

FUCK man, my sister just listed you at fucking Halo 3!

See fuck, own, owned, pwn, pwned, listed


its this think laura k gives out and it tells you how many people your gonna fuck by the end of high school just like in american pie as that dumb virgin bitch says

Lots of Love to my LIST (since I know whose on it and everything)

See Mary Jane


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