
What is Listerine?


1. A drink that is meant to be used in your mouth to sterilize it.

2. Can also be defines as a indian's (native american) favourite drink.

3. Can be used as a refresher for ur breath

4. Also can be used to drink as a replacement to lysol for indians.

1.(john): shit look at that native across the street

(mary): yeah i know, hey wait shes drinking listerine

(john): yeah i know look at her chug that shit

2. shit john ur breath stinks like ass lemme buy u some listerine.

See lysol, ass, indian, native, shit


Poor Native indians drink it and get fucked. It comes with a free shot glass too.

Indian 1: Hey Gino, take a shot of this new less intense listerine.

Indian 2: I think i'm blind.

See first nations, gas, huffing, crunk, rags, reserve, chief, techron


'Modern Cockney' meaning ani american. Ryming slang for an American is 'septic tank' (yank) and Listerine is aniseptic so... yeah.

Guy in Market: I'm no listerine!

See slang, septic tank, london


the act of dipping your balls into someones throat so they are in a sense "gargling" them like mouthwash

Should I listerine Logan while he's sleeping?

See listerine, mouthwash, gargle, balls, tea bag


From the Cockney Slang word 'septic' which was short for septic tank...yank.

So to say that someone was anti-septic means anti-american...Listerine.

Clear as mud that one!

That Osama Bin Laden is a right old Listerine!


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