What is Literacy?
What 99.9% of
Having the ability and comprehension level enabling one to efficiently communicate with others within a specific profession.
However, a common misconception of this word defines it as having the ability to read with comprehension.
For example, a financial analyst does not have to be literate within the confines of working in the food industry, whereas a server or chef does not need the kind of literacy associated with working in the finance world.
Something which is actually lower in the US than many other countries.
Adult litweracy rates:
USA, Austrailia- over 95%
Cape Verde, Africa -71.6%
Bahrain- 85.2%
Uk, France, Netherlands,Georgia, Eire, Japan, Russia, Nauru, Canada - 99.9%
Azerbaijan- 97.3%
Maldives 93.2%
Sri Lanka - 90.2%
Uzbekistan - 97%
Turkmenistan, Trinidad and Tobago 98%
Barbados- 97.4%
Kyrgyzstan - 97%
South Korea- 98%
North Korea- 99%
Vietnam- 93.7%
Phillipines- 94.6%
Brunei- 89%
Cambodia- 38%
China- 82.2%
Tonga- 93%
That's a selection of countries and their adult literacy rates. Isn't it funny that the USA, who is best represented on this site has a lower literacy rate than the former USSR countries.
I is teh klevar gooboo!