What is Little Love Button Of Joy?


My babycakes! =)

a certain girl that happens to be a certain boy's everything (see Adam). She makes this certain boy's heart beat a million miles an hour, and can always put a smile on his face. When together, the two of them are grand adventurours. They enjoy cuddiling under the stars (always wishing on the shooting ones of course), watching the sun rise, and going on epic excrusions with their pimped out golf cart.(See love).

Little Love Button Of Joy is truely the most incredible, unbelieveable person in the whole wide universe. In fact, Little Love Button Of Joy is so indescribable, there is only one entry in the urban dictionary. It seems no one can really describe just how phenomenal this girl is.

Little Love Button Of Joy is an epic tandem rider. She and her partner in crime pull it superhero style.

Little Love Button Of Joy shares a pretty much super raddcore rock with a pretty much love crazed boy, it is hidden in a uber duber secret location and is recognized by the two every saturday morning.

Dear Little Love Button Of Joy, If you need more, just call me. I'll try to better explain, you know where to reach me.

See love, adam, babycakes, incredible, indescribable, amazing, shooting star, sunrise


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