
What is Live?


Jumping, full of people, exciting. Something was very enjoyable

That rave was live

The place was live


Word Used To Express How Good Something Is...

1. "Dat Tune Is LIVE"

2. "U Know Dat Rave I Went 2 Last Nite, It Woz LIVE!"

See live-o, heavy, nang, big, massive


Somethin' happening, thaT's got a ViBe..

Yooo....Angel's was Liiive last tuesday


(adv) Great

Tupac is Live

See ac


the act of something being cool; sick

This party is live, fam.

See cool, fun, sweet, pimpin, pumped


To get angry,violent,ready to fight. bout to whoop some ass

i was fin'n to get live on that bitch,why she keep talkn

See fight, angry, violent, amped, ready


A person, place, or event that is signified in greatness. Describing or acknowledging a a good thing.

I won the lottery. live!

See big, good, great, seen, safe, clean


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