
What is Live-o?


An full onparty or event which could not have been scripted.

Definitely not pre-recorded.

Olly: Was it good then?

Matt: Hell yeah, it was absolutely fucken live-o!

See crazy, out of control, full on, wild


A request to do something quickly or with haste. Mostly used in the UK.

Pass me the phone live-o Bobby...I gotta call me wife.

See quick, asap, fast, rush


to snitch, hear'n peoples problems and listenin to sum one snitch, and rat sum one out.

live-o tell tha whole world wut u hear'd

walk down tha street and see sum one talk to da cops, fukk live-o

jd: hey man u hurr jb robbed that bank lass nite

lb: "walkin by", shht live-o. he a snitch

See snitch, rat, narc, ztunna


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