
What is Lizzard?


A girl that seems sweet and nice, but turns out to be a complete bitch determined to screw up her life as well as the lives of others.

I really liked this chick, but she turned out to be a lizzard.

See succubus, beatch, lizard, alcoholic, anorexic


heinous girl who thinks shes the bomb

Mike- Check out that girl

Suppa- Damn Lizzard

See lizzard, henious, shizzz


AKA lot lizzard...

trucker term used on the CB meaning a prostitute that works usually in truckstops or rest areas

Any lot lizzards out here tonight? I gotta get laid!

See lot lizzard, prostitute, whore, lizard, lot lizard


South African surfing label, has sponsored surfers and sells surf wear. Team riders include Devyn Mattheys and Dave Richards.

'Lizzard clothes are swell'

See lizard, surf, clothes


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