
What is Lmao?


Laughing My Ass Off. Used online only.

Matt: Bill fell off the horse and injured his pelvis in 6 different places.

Joe: LMAO!

See lem


Laughing My Ass Off

Beth said "lmao" when Jason revealed his miniature testicles.

See Rob


laughing my ass off

See dawn







"Laughing My Ass Off". Used online to show you find something really funny or are laughing at it alot. Starting to be used in real life when they find something "El-EM-AE-OH!".

JESS: I left the house today with a pair of old pants stuck to my shoe :(

Angela: LMAO! No way..

See rofl, lol, pmsl, llf, haha


An acronym standing for Laughing My Anus Off. It literally means laughing until your anus becomes detached from your body. It is a serious medical condition and must be treated AS SOON AS POSSIBLE.

Billy thought lmao was just an expression used when something was funny. He was dead wrong. He told his friend Jerry a knock-knock joke over IM, to which Jerry responded "lmao." The next day, Jerry was found dead at his keyboard. His anus was nowhere to be found.

See anus, laugh, serious, health, threat


Lmao- a term in which to show great laughter. For example "lol" ,but with more feeling and more laughing.

L= Laugh

m= my

a= ass

o= off

Teddy- " Hey guys do you know what an Alaskan fire dragon is?"

Group- "Nooo..."

Teddy-" Ok, its when the girl is giving the guy a ...(explains in EXTREME detailwhich is like the teddyi know)

Holden, Mike, Dallas, Ray, Kyle( the group)-" LMAO!!!! HAHAHA OMG HA"

Kylen- "Eww"

See lmao, fire dragon, detail, lol, great, laughter


Laugh my ass off

Used in Role Playing Games (RPG) and text messaging when someone says something extreemly funny to you.

Simmilar to ROFLOL. Can be used with this as in ROLFMAO.

"Did U C what Jen is Wearing? It is so damn ugly and she thinks she is all that."


See texting, roflol, rpg, laugh


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