What is Lmaotrailisticalisationalism?


One of which cannot be explained... This word was used to expand on the importance of "Lmao". It needs to be recognised as the longest possible msn "short hand" word ever... Over many a time, people have tried to extend the word... and failed miserably...

Ok so Jimmy said something really lame on msn, he expects you to laugh... Most people would usually type "lol". Except "lol" has lost its meaning from "Laugh out Loud"... It is now "I'm really not that interested in what you have to say"... which if said to Jimmy, would be litterally socially face slamming him into an oncoming truck, almost like calling his mum a raging lesbian. But the good part is... Jimmy will think you are happy with his joke.

In this case, saying "lol" would express your feelings to the joke without Jimmy knowing how you actually feel.

Now say Jimmy said something extremely hilarious... It is recommened we not use the word "Lmao" alone. This short hand word has become completely powerless against good jokes and makes the teller feel like they need to try better... Give a brother a hand and type "Lmaotrailisticalisationalism"... even if you have to make an emoticon to speed up your reaction time... DO IT! Don't leave Jimmy hanging.

See lmao, lol, short hand, msn, random


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