
What is Lmfaotank?


The relative of roflcopter. I made it up and i kept using it in game and people r like "...wtf is lmfao tank?? ur gay" and "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" (fucked up his head) so I'm finally making it official(halfly) lmfaotank is the alternative when your not actually Rolling On the Floor Laughing, but actually Laughing your Ass Off.(Now heres an unnessasary long definition just cuz some of you out there are *cough* retarded *cough* Ahem.. exuse me, slower than average :P

{Player One} Ok, so, this dude walks into a hotel right? gets his room and shit and goes to the bathroom. Then he hears this faint noise. He listens more carefully and hears "IM GONNA FIND YOU, IM GONNA EAT YOU!!" so he runs out of the hotel and splatters his guts on a tree.Then this other dude walks into the hotel. Gets his room and shit and goes to the bathroom too. Then he hears the faint noise. He listens more carefully and hears "IM GONNA FIND YOU, IM GONNA EAT YOU!!"--again. So goes he to the top of the building and jumps off. Then this Smart dude walks into the hotel. r gets his room again and goes to the bathroom like the last 2. Then he hears the same faint noise. He listens more carefully and hears "IM GONNA FIND YOU, IM GONNA EAT YOU!!" so he checks his whole room and most of the hotel. Then finally he found out he missed a closet. So he opens the door and he finds this little boy picking his nose saying "Im gonna find you, im gonna eat youu!!

{Player Two}rofl!!!

{Player Three}roflcopter1!1!!

{Player Four}roflzcopter!~@!!

{Player Five}lmfaotank!!

{Player Two}wtf? lmfaotank? wow lol ur gay. lmfao tank.. pfft!

See lmfaotank, roflcopter, gay


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