
What is Loader?


Some one who loads a lot of expensive software on a computer to raise its' price. Then sells the computer without the program disks, and keys, when a program needs to be reloaded the buyer is hosed.

The xp on my computer didn't have a disk or coa I need to reload it, the loader says not his problem.

See mr whipple, sucker


a person who can eat a whole apple in one bite.

logan: man that kid has a big mouth.

torey: he is a mega loader.

See torra borra


Someone who is always loaded, or someone acting stupid or drunken

Take off, you loader!

His brother is such a loader, nobody wants to hang with him.


a) To be very tall and suck at bowling

b) To have a terrible game when bowling

Dude, that's the 8th gutterball in a row!

I know man, I'm having a Loader

See loader, bowling, tall, gutterball, gutted


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