
What is Loaf?


Short for "Loaf of Bread", which is Cockney rhyming slang for "Head".

Loaf of bread? Head..See?

"Use your loaf!" Translates as: Think about it!" "Use your head!" "Don't be stupid!"

See Agent Smith


when a fat cat sits laying on it's stomach with it's paws tucked under them-they look like a loaf of bread

a lazy person who sits around all day on their couch

i.e Lady cat you're loafing!

i.e What are you doing today?

Ehh I think I'm just gonna loaf today in the apartment

See loafing, loaf, loafer


A turd.(Esp. an elongated turd with a tapered end)

Excuse me please, I have to go pinch a loaf.


A useless, overweight person.

Billy's ex-girlfriend, herself a loaf, married another loaf.


Means a person is fakin

Can also be used at the end of jokes

Sherie you be Loafn You know u wan to give up da yea

See fake, da yea, sex, bitches, ass


1. A shaped mass of bread, cake, or sugar.

2. To be lazy or idle. To pass the time in a leisurely manner.

1. It is relatively easy to make bread if you have a few hours of your time.

2. During the hot summer days, a lot of folks simply loaf in the shade.



1. piece of shit.

2. an unusually large peice of shit.

popular: "man, i gotta go bake a loaf"


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