Local Celebrity

What is Local Celebrity?



A well-known person in your local community. This person is very popular and considered almost famous around town. Local Celebrities are very attractive and have a contagious personality. Their paparazzi usually consist of anyone taking pictures with their camera phone as they walk or drive by.

Brevard County's Local Celebrity is Vesta; everyone wants to get with her.

See famous, attractive, eye candy, Vesta


n. One who can no longer live with relative anonymity.

a local celebrity is a person locally famous but relatively unknown beyond a given locale.

i.e. the new kid on the block, the most popular person in school, weathermen.

See local, celebrity, popular, famous, fame, notorious, infamy, unknown, familiar, common


A well-known person in your local community. This person is very popular around town. Local Celebrities are very good looking and have a contagious personality. Their paparazzi usually consist of anyone taking pictures with their camera phone as they walk or drive by.

Brevard County's Local Celebrity is Vesta; everyone wants to get with her.

See hottie, babe, gorgeous, hot, on fire, Vesta


The single greatest human being to ever walk this earth. Besides Jesus Christ.

To be a local celebrity one must possess the know-how and the location to succeed as a singer/songwriter.

See kris, idiot, fake, gay


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