Lock Down

What is Lock Down?


to confirm that something is taken care of; the situation is under control or lockdown

Reservations have been made at the hotel, the limo is taken care of, called the place we're going......baby, it's all under lockdown!!


lockdown comes from the prisons, but is also used instead of 'grounded'

i cant come out, im on lock (down)

See Rastafari


a brotha or sista who significent other defines his or her where abouts; who controls their partners social activities.

Yo check it!, sista got Tyrese on mad lock down again this weekend, brotha won't be able to hang.

See Steve


The word 'lock down' in basketball is used when someone cant get past someone else without getting the ball tapped

Michael Jordan - Hey scott, why cant rich ever beat u

scott - cos i got him on 'lock down'

rich - i wish i could get the ball past scott, he is so good

See lockdown, open up, basketball, scott, rich


1) Another word for grounded.

2) When a person that is a threat walks into the school, Lock Down will happen. Lock down is when everyone goes to the nearest classroom, if not in one, lock their doors and hide in a corner away from windows.

1)I can't go to the dance, i'm in lock down.

2)An angry man runs into the school with a knife, and lock down was said over the speaker.

See hide, threat, drill, grounded, school, Pancake Batter


under manners

why did you send your brother to the shop? because i got him on Lock Down


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