What is Log Cabin?
All-wood icon of democracy; the place of conception and historical birthplace of citizens and presidents.
Traditional family home and universal source of life.
All residents of the White House had their root s in a mother's LOG CABIN, as did all their forefathers, cousins, uncles and aunt s.
See log , erection , installation , white house , pink , property , percengenitation , family pack , bush , lumberjacket , woodbine , upwardly mobile , trying hard , root , source , majestic , dc , complete , bush-baby , old folks , homey , home pie , the american way , make yourself at home , heaven below , joy , country matters , Persson
A term used to describe a gay republican. It refers to Abraham Lincoln - a Republican president whose sexuality has long been debated. Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin.
Person One: Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian?!?
Person Two: Yea, she's a log cabin republican.
Person One: What a bitch!
See gay , homosexual , republicans , abraham lincoln
An enclosed lavatory, containing a toilet, especially when used for defaecation. 'Log ' referring to poo , due to its brown coloration and tendency to float. Throne room .
Man with a turtle head : "Jesus Christ! I've gotta go to the log cabin quick!"
Pal: "What?"
Man with a turtle head : "I've got to 'see a man about a log'."
Pal: "Don't you mean 'dog'?"
Man with a turtle head : "No! Out of my way!"
See toilet , loo , lavatory , bathroom , restroom , water closet , wc , john , throne room , bog , crapper , shitter , log , poo , defecate , defaecate , defecation , take a dump
A failed attempt at a Dutch Oven which results in the culprit shitting the bed with the victim still under the sheets.
I tried to give the wife a Dutch Oven, but i tried to hard and gave her a Log Cabin
The act of re-using a condom.
Just like a log cabin, the condom becomes shoddier with each use and will eventually break or fall apart
Two Guys at a Party:
Guy 1: Dude, theres a wasted chick downstairs that wants to NAIL me!
Guy 2: So what the HELL are you doing up here?!
Guy 1: I don't have a condom. Please dude, you Gotta help me!
Guy 2: Well, you can take one from my waste basket if you don't mind giving her a little Log Cabin action!
All residents of the
Person One: Dick Cheney's daughter is a lesbian?!?
Person Two: Yea, she's a log cabin republican.
Person One: What a bitch!
Man with a
Pal: "What?"
Man with a
Pal: "Don't you mean 'dog'?"
Man with a
I tried to give the wife a Dutch Oven, but i tried to hard and gave her a Log Cabin
Two Guys at a Party:
Guy 1: Dude, theres a wasted chick downstairs that wants to NAIL me!
Guy 2: So what the HELL are you doing up here?!
Guy 1: I don't have a condom. Please dude, you Gotta help me!
Guy 2: Well, you can take one from my waste basket if you don't mind giving her a little Log Cabin action!