
What is Logging?


Process of harvesting trees from a forest.

They are going to be logging on that piece of land.

See logger, logging, log, timber, harvester


Another Term for Masturbate (Or Masturbating), started on an internet forum in the thread "The Masturbation Log"

Also: Log, Logged, Logger

Kram3r: Barka! I'm trying to catch this fucking Teddirusa but my pokeball keeps fucking up!

Barker: Shut up, I'm logging. ~haermm~

See logging, log, logged, logger, masturbate


When Russian ladies feel lonely, they do a massive shite, freeze it and at times of need, use it as a dildo, according to Manchipp.

So there I was, chillin with my hot Ruski Mama when all of a sudden and with no suggestion for me, she goes to the freezer and drags out this 13 inch shit and starts to masturdate using it. So obviously I said "what the hell are you doing" and she said, "Logging, it's all the range here in Russia" (but in Russian clearly, as she was russian)

See stretch


(v): the action of finding a fallen log in the middle of the woods, walking there with a group of friends (preferably 4-7 people), sitting on the log and then getting HIGHAS FUCK (preferably with a big bluntfull of trainwreckweed)

logging is basically smoking a lot of weed in the woods

See smoking, weed, pot, blunt, ganja, marijuana, bong, vaporizer, drugs, grass


when some one does a huge shit, freezes it, and uses it as a dildo.

mostly used in Russia


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