
What is Logic-tensive?


A more robust and more discriptive proclaimation of a "self"s' personal description of a "hyper"-active and ( "brainy" -or- "intelegent" ) action of sequences of "self" of the user.

It relates to such in the same as adding ( "Hyper" -or- "Too - Much - Energy" ) and ( "Brainy" -or- "Intelegent" -or- "Constitutional Relitivity of Thoughts" ) to gather of in situations to "Scenes of grandure from External Socialites".

This short Descriptor is ment to discribe a complex mixture of actions and reactions within a muttle of emotions that had either aided or is aidding in the users' own perspective line of self 'lussional events.



Playing an online game, with "First - Person - Shooter" perspective in mind, and the live action scenario is

simular to "RTCW: Enemy Territory";

or as the like: "Call of Duty";

or also as: ''''Medal of Hon"ou"r''''

Evaluation: Trying to annalize the current

situation in-play, to make suitable

decisions to aide the team-mates or the

like to accomplish goal(s) of the "Map" in play


either silently, or working in co-operation with other players in the game scenario for winning


Self: "player1, 20?"

Player1: "location givin in some form, Self situation?"

Self: "L'T'! L'T' MAX!"

L'T' would have been logically used as short for

"Logic-Tensive" while in the accompinance of

team-mates that are not co-operative


***Caution: this term afterwards is way TOO dangerous to use in Real-life situations!!!!***


A person is undergoing self-knowing phobias of: "Split Personallity Disorder" and/or "Multiple Personallity Disorder" and/or "Dementia" and/or "Alzeimers Desiese" and/or "Nihilistic Phear" and/or "Acknowledgement of 'God' while in full faith of Sel(f/ves) own possitive enforcement of self worth to the Home/Planet/Earth of continual existance"

Within that, trying endless instinctive and

estimated approaches to aide in non-stop continuance of the

Sel(f/ves) own exsistance.

As such in mind the person under either one of or a combination of the aforementioned dehibilitations would use the Descriptor as follows:

Joe-Blow: talking like a psyciatrist psych testor

"So there Patiants/Examonees' name how are you feeling after the Ride on the Gravity tests?"

Joe-Shmoh: exitedly exclaims in a terrorized voice, after being put through the most horrific and mentaly strenuis examinations happenning consecutively after each another non-stop

"Ww-wweh-Well D-ddd-d-d-doc iaaah-i-i-I ff-f-Fou-Nd eh-it wa-w-was !!!!lll-Log-j-ic-tt-Tenn-ss-Sive!!!! tt-tt-To Ree-eeh-d th-tthh-Those bb-bbb-Books whi-wah-while in th-tthh-the k-k-kk-Contra-aa-aah-Ption, sssss-ss-Sir." ----

----"Well Doc I Found it Was !Logic-Tensive! to Read those Books while in the Contrapment, Sir."



In school, never had !red!/read the books from the teacher/tutor, and there is a pop-quiz on the books the person never had !red!/read.

The student would be classified as being in a "Logic-Tensive" situation.


NOTE:: "ou" equals: i am an "English - Pig - Dog" not representing anyone, and not in any field that includes the logic behind this Descriptor.

'I' have been MAINLY taught that, the big differences between American and Canadian English is the "u" and "ou" in each of their languages.

"ou" = Canadian.

****** Color / Colour ******

***** Minor / Minour *****

I am Canadian!

"Drink happy, never drink sadly!"

"A drink is like a cigarette, it is ment to refresh you, not help you in dominating your external existance!"

"Water, water everywhere, none to drink, none to spare!" !4!

"When you drink hisblood, you !drink!. Drink what you can, for it is like a session of self-relaxitation!"

"It dont matter what you drink, your still swallowing for your Heart!"

"No matter what the beliefs are, the heart will never stop drinking onwards, weither a unit wants it to or not."

"If you have sight, you are drinking."

"If you have visions, you are drinking."

"If you are breathing, you are drinking."

"If you are thinking, you are drinking."

"If you are in speach, you are drinking."

"If you are memorizing, you are drinking!"

"If you have a person in your hands, you are drinking!"

"If you do ANY ACTION, you are drinking."

"If you do no actions, you are still drinking!"

If you comprehend these Pixels of text, you drank!

If you understand all of this; you have recieved, Love.

(Love From Brain)

THANK YOU, for 'read'ing!

Peace be with, and God Bless. For whom appreciates it

See logic, logic-tensive, situation


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