Lol Wut

What is Lol Wut?


Similar to lol wtf. When someone says something random or stupid and funny, and you don't understand what they just said, just reply with the pear picture. LOL WUT is written on this because it's a funny picture and it suits the face

Bill: What would you say if i said i can do a massive god jesus boy hadouken?

Ben: lol wut

See lol, wut, pear, wtf, what?


An image macro used to express confusion, amusement or disbelief, usually in response to something random or outrageous. It originated on 4chan and is based on "The Biting Pear of Salamanca" by artist Ursula Vernon. Many other versions now exist.

"flying monkies in my intertubs"

"lol wut"

See lol, wut, wtf, orly, pear, macro


Word that became very popular on the World of Warcraft forums on April Fool's day 2007. During the course of the day, the Blizzard forums were changed so that each normal poster had blue text and an animated icon, which is normally what Blizzard posters look like. To go along with this, each Blizzard poster was listed as a player, with normal white text, and a troll for an icon, signifying they were forum trolls. The staff posted sporadically all day in threads, trolling. One of the expressions used in most of the one-line replies was "lol wut?" After this, it became very popular on the forums for the next few weeks.

Player A says: I think that Warlocks should be nerfed!

Tseric says: Lol wut?

Player B says: Lol wut?

Player C saysL: Lol wut?

See lol, huh, what, yeah right, uh huh


Literally meaning,

"Laugh out loud, what?"

Something you might say when someone says something awkward or something that makes no sense, but is still funny in a certain way. Often used in IMs and forums, this is, of course, a retardation of a phrase.

Nerd 1: oh sry dood, i wuz just attackd by super flying ninja monkey mutants.

Nerd 2: LOL WUT???

See lol wtf, wtf, say what, orly


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