
What is Lolaz?


Stupid term made up by nerds and super-geeks that modifies the expression lol (laughing out loud). It usually is used in games such as Cabal Online and Last Chaos.

Example 1:

Ronnie-pink- I'm a stupid nerd that writes lolaz instead of lol.

Me- Get a life dude.

Example 2:(Don't use it too much)

Me: Hi.

ronnie-pink: lolaz.

Me: What's up? ^^

ronnie-pink: lolaz.

Me: Is this a awnsering machine?

ronnie-pink: lolaz.

Me: DIE!.

ronnie-pink: lolaz.

Me: If you say "lolaz." you're gay. (hehe >:D)

ronnie-pink: lolaz.

See lolaz, lol, stupid, nerd, die


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