Lolly Pop Kiss

What is Lolly Pop Kiss?


To kiss and Lick the head of the Gentlemans Penis like a lollypop.

Hey darlin' how about a bit of a lolly pop kiss hey

also term used when to girls give you head, I got a double lolly pop last night


a girl gets really close to a guy like shes gunna kiss him and then she yells sucker

Bob got a lolly pop kiss from Ashley.


When you're sharing a lolly pop with someone and they stick the lolly pop in their mouth the wrong way and you have to get it back with your mouth, usually results in lips brushing together n.n

Sam and Ashleigh were like, totally lolly pop kissing earlier!

See lolly, pop, kiss, lollypop, lollipop, lolli, lolipop, loli


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