
What is Loltractor?


Used in expression when something is very funny but just laughing doesn't quite cut it. Similar to Roflcopter.

A.K.A. That word I thought I made up but only to find that someone else beat me to it.

"Dude, Thom just failed his exam!"


"Whoa, that word's sick, I've never heard it before!"

"I know, I just made it up!"

"Oh, wait, it's already on Urban Dictionary."


See loltractor, roflcopter, lmfao, haha, lol


Something so funny that a helicopter just does not cut it, it needs the power of a TRACTOR. Lol tractor originated on the 5th of December 2006 by LUKE D!!

Person 1: Man i went out with suzie last night and crapped my pants

Person 2: Really Wat happened?

Person 1: She slapped me in the face and farted on my dinner

Person 2: Loltractor!!1!!!

See tractor, lol


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