
What is Lolzor?


Laughing out loud zebras own rhinos.

bob: HEY!

john: LOLZOR!

See Oz


A way to demonstrate excitement or surprise

"hey johnny, i've fixed it"

"no you haven't - you n00b"

Lolzor !

See lol, lolzor, funny, newbie, johnny


It's like a dinosaur was crossed with a supervillain. And they're laughing.

And then I destroyed their village lolzor

See dinosaur, supervillain, lol, laughing, powerful


a medical condition that takes place when loling so damn much that you get an ulcer, commonly reffered to as a lolzor.

lol,dude this kid,lol is so funny, he gamie a lolzor. the doc says i got about a week left.

See lol, gay, london bridge, balls, testicles, gooch, suck balls


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