Lonely Boy

What is Lonely Boy?


A boy who is perpetually lonely. Lonely Boy cannot survive long periods of time without having a girlfriend or a pseudo-girlfriend. Lonely Boy will flirt with any female that shows interest, whether he is interested or not. Lonely Boy will complain about being lonely, yet he fears commitment and hates making plans. Lonely Boy will reject the labels society has put on relationships (i.e. Boyfriend, Girlfriend), until he finds a female he is particularly interested in, after which he will immediately refer to her as his girlfriend and stay with her for a long time. Ending a relationship is extremely difficult for a Lonely Boy. He will put it off as long as possible, for fear of being alone. He and his girlfriend may break up and get back together multiple times before their inevitable demise. Once alone again, Lonely Boy will put himself down in search of affirmation. He may go as far as to say things such as, “I will be alone forever.” Lonely Boy will do whatever it takes to feel not alone. Lonely Boy uses his loneliness as a way to attract females, and he will often make one feel like she can cure his loneliness through flirtation, sexual activity, or simply friendship. Lonely Boy cannot be cured.

Lisa: Brad keeps telling me how lonely he is, I think he wants to date me.

Sarah: Didn't he just break up with his girlfriend?

Lisa: Yeah.

Sarah: That Brad. He can't live without a girlfriend. He is a Lonely Boy.

See emo, lonely, boy, hipster, confused


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