Loner Boner

What is Loner Boner?


When a person who has few or no friends and keeps to themselves masturbates.

It seems like all Jeff does anymore is hole up in his room and work out his loner boner.

See loner, boner, masturbation, erection, pathetic


When she's "not in the mood".

Man, we were fuckin' all alone at my house.. Lights out.. Under a blanket.. And then I find out I've got a loner boner.

See boner, loner, hard up


A boneror erectionthat occurs in one's home, or in any other place alone. This includes when they are looking at porn or reading/thinking about something erotic. A Loner Boner can also occur when somebody unattractive is around, such as a parent. However, if you are with a girl (or boy, depending on your gender preference) and you get a boner, this is not considered a Loner Boner.

Jeff: Dude, I just got a total Loner Boner last night.

Mike: What did you do?

Jeff: What every civilized man would do! Took advantage of it!

See boner, erection, alone, loner, sad, pathetic, no life, masterbate


A boner that appears without warrant and often by itself with no other boners around. I.E, a boner appearing at a strange time that no other man would find sexy.

A spontaneous boner, if you will.

"I was in math class and got a total loner boner. Had to cover it with my text book."

See loner boner, erection, lonely



being by yourself

with no friends what so ever

pretty much having nobody next to you, to make fun of people with.

I hate going to places by myself, I feel like a loner boner :(


a person who usually shows up to places/parties by themself, alone, and with no friends at that time.

I usually go to hip hop shows by myself, but I hate going to places by myself, I feel like a loner boner :(


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