Long Island Girl

What is Long Island Girl?


Today, we salute you, trendy Long Island girl. In your retarded furry boots, you understand that following a crowd is a small price to pay for the approval of your peers. Sure, your huge overpriced designer handbag and oversized pearls may appear to have been stolen from your grandmother, but we rest assured that your daddy bought them for you fair and square. And yes, you may be snobby to every guy that approaches you, but we know that you're only doing them a favor because you are in fact a bitch with an annoying accent. So here's to you trendy Long Island girl, because everyone knows that behind your dyed blonde hair and falsely-tanned skin there sits a real person in the driver's seat of that Lexus SUV; and that real person... is a pale brunette. So do us all a favor and go back.

Guy 1: Is that girl with the furry boats in the Lexus think shes better than everyone?

Guy 2: No shes a bitch

Guy 3: Oh a Long Island girl

See bitch, stuck up, long island, fake tan


Some of these girls are snobby, rich, fake tanned prissy girls. and yes some of them wear their Uggs in the summer with a mini skirt, and again yes some of them pay waaaayyy too much for their clothes and bags...correction daddy pays waaayy to much for their clothes and bags. But, some of us are strong gorgeous women who are driven. some of us are down to earth fun girls who are just real people who get associate with a horrible stereotype of being completely standoffish and bitchy toward everyone. some of us don't talk with a strong accent at all and speak quite eloquently. some of us are judged by those who don't know two anything about long island and the people who live here. And lastly some of us "Long Island girls" who are smart beautiful and kind, don't like being grouped into this idea of what we should be. Thank you!

Person not from Long Island: Your from Long Island?! Really!? You don't sound or look like it!?

Long island girl: Oh I'm sorry I didn't know we were our own species. I'll change my self as to fit your stereotype of us. So what about you? You don't look like an ignorant ass. I guess you just can't judge by looks anymore.

See long island girl, long island girls, stereotype, girls, long island, beautiful


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