Loony Bin

What is Loony Bin?


the place in which a smacktard should be thrown, where they can be constantly beaten into leaning basic british geography until they are able to recite numerous times "the lake district is not in scotland and i have been a retard for thinking so, and i also have a tiny penis"(lol). these places are usually full of strange looking creatures that tend to go by the name of 'Miller'. loony bins are often situated in a place that is so remote these 'millers' cannot harm society in anyway.

Miller, you be a smacktard and belong in a 'loony bin'

Miller, how have you survived so long without the men in white coats thrwing you in a 'loony bin'??!!

See sanitarium


A hospital fo nutterz and crazy mf'z etc.

Steve'z gone mad and has been carted off by men in white jacketz to tha loony bin.


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