
What is Lorilyn?


One who is never in class,

and is instead smoking chronic

at a mentor meeting.

usually with a student

by the name of Maida Cholakyan.

You stupid Asian! Stop smoking! You remind me of Lorilyn!

See lorilyn, drugs, asian, stupid, chronic


long, shiny, black hair for Asians, often worn by Asian sluts.

You have such Lorilyn hair!

See grudge, pretty, hair, lorilyn, hot


The queen of attending class and getting straight A's. Often asian with a love for G-unit,Paris Hilton,and the Barbie Girl song. Will work for Bapestas and LSD.

An individual who is is drug-free and committed to her education.

How Asian. What a Lorilyn!

See chronic, acid, asian, breana


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