
What is Loserdom?


kindom of losers. A state of meaninglessness.

That druggy is a slave to loserdom.

See loser, loserism, wino, druggy, ho


one existing in a sad sad world, usually in solitude. Usually found among dipsomaniacs with names equivalent to that of an eric weaver.

Eric Weaver is the king of Loserdom.

See loser, loserdom, alcohol, dipsomaniac, psycho


one existing in a sad sad world, usually in solitude. Usually found among dipsomaniacs with names equivalent to that of an eric weaver.

Eric Weaver is the king of Loserdom.

See loser, loserdom, alcohol, alcoholism, dipso, dipsomaniac, sociopath


The sad existance that many a man must resort to when a loss or lack of booty has occured. It is however possible that the man my find a kind charitable women to except him some day... even if they are sloppy thirds, fourth, or fifths.

It seems as if Jeff may be destined for loserdom forever. Stay optimistic Jeff, maybe someday eh?

See loser, lame-o, dork, geek, virgin


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