Love At First Sight

What is Love At First Sight?


1. Complete and utter bullshit. Often used by 2 people who have been together for an extensive period of time to describe the day they first met.

2. A male euphemism for "Nice *insert female body part here*"

" ... and when I turned around, I saw Mike standing there. When our eyes met, it was love at first sight. I knew from that moment he was gonna be the man I married."

See Insanity


When you fall in "love" after only glancing at someone.

See also lust.

Boy sees girl. Boy falls in like.


When two people experience the passion of "love" towards each other after their eyes meet for the very first time.

Sammie and David shared love sparks ever since the first time their eyes met.


name given to a sense of importance the first time you meet someone. not truly 'love' yet is not just bullshit. it doesn't always result in love or even a relationship. the opposite would be meeting someone and knowing right away they suck in general.

often idolized, and is either extremly over-rated or extremly under rated, or they don't really care.

- the first time i looked in his eyes i knew he was something special, i guess it was love at first sight

See love, kiss, intuition, sense, depth


the complete utter feeling of finally being complete when you lock eyes with one person after meeting them for the first time. You would do absolutely anything just to hold their hand. Just to know them. Just to be together forever no matter what. Its real. I believe in it. Its happened to me. I think he is the most amazing male specimen i have ever seen even when he's wearing moccasins with a huge nasty thing on his cheek and he just got out of basketball practice, all sweaty and a mess. He grabs his keys, walks past me but looks up swiftly, then quickly turns his head because that electricity is too real. But he has a girlfreind. And we don't talk much. Love at first sight is not all its cracked up to be. Its painful when you both think the other wants to be with you but you're too scared to take a risk. But you know he's the best thing that can ever happen and then he's gone. Out the door. Another opportunity gone. And all that is left is that emptiness and gazillion thoughts that cloud the brain when that one miracle person isn't there to make you smile until you face hurts so bad. And then you need to scream or write out your feelings on some stupid internet site...... enough said.

Romeo and Juliet fell in love at first sight. They died loving each other. I wouldn't mind dying for him if we could just live in bliss for one day together...

See love, pain, beautiful, emo, true love


it does not exist. it is lust, people!

when girls say it was love at first sight, it is lust. they didn't fall in love when they first saw him; they just want his fat steamy dick.

See lust, like, boobs, dick, love


1. Occurs in Wegman's parking lots at ungodly hours of the night, many present, but after eyes meet, there is a feeling of warmth and satisfaction inside...that will always be there.

"DUDE, Lindsay and Dave are over?"

"Yeah man"

"But those two were like in love at first sight."

"Those feelings are still there, it just can't work out right now"

See love, lust, crushing, heartache, pain


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