Love Tap

What is Love Tap?


The (sometimes) gentle nudge of the car behind and/or in front of you that occurs in the process of good solo parallel parking.

Oh man, this is a tight spot, I might have to love tap these cars a few times.


Striking a sex partner while experiencing an almost unbearably intense climax. The blow is usually delivered by the "bottom" partner.

Hickey? No, it's just a bruise from Theresa's love tap!

Ow! Had a lot of pent-up feelings, did she?

See sex, orgasm, electric chair, squirter


In Nascar, a driver comes behind another and nudges them to let them know they mean business.

"OH, Jeff Gordon gives Matt Kenseth a massive bump FOR THE WIN!"

"OH, WOW! That was way more aggresive than a simple Love Tap."

See nascar, nudge, love tap, lick


when someone lightly and gently taps your cock with there hand foot object

sarah love taped me and i got a chubby

See kicked in the balls


Tapping your 'just spent' knob on your girlie's mouth

I love tapped her after se sucked me off

See tap, willy, cock, spunk, girlfriend


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