
What is Lovebridge?


1. a technology which can be utilized as the tool for sharing and practicing love; 2. a person who dedicates to sharing and practicing love.

1. Lovebridges such as the remote surgery system can be used to practice love through providing the medical service to people in isolated regions. 2. He decided to work as a lovebridge in his whole life.

See lovebridge, love, technology, share


1. a technology which can be utilized as the tool for sharing and practicing love; 2. a person who dedicates to sharing and practicing love

1. Lovebridges such as the remote surgery system can be used to practice love through providing the medical service to people in isolated regions.

2. He decided to work as a lovebridge in his whole life.

See lovebridge, love, technology, share


see taint; also grundle;

matt's tongue often travels back and forth over my lovebridge.


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