
What is Lowell?


Lowell is a city in Massachusetts. Lowell is famous for its mills and multiple gang fights. There are about 35 Dunkin' Donutsand only three Dunkin' Donutsemployees who speak English. If you go to high school, you go to Lowell High. It is typical for a student of Lowell High School to skip class to go to Arthur's Diner to get a boott mill, which is a breakfast sandwich made up of 99% grease. If you go to the Voke (the Joke), no one cares about you. Typically, if you are white and graduate you most likely end up going to UMass.

Famous author Jack Kerouacwas born and raised in Lowell and pretty much everyone pretends to like him even though they never have read "On The Road". Ed McMahon was born there, too.

A lot of the roads downtown are made out of cobblestones, which is really annoying considering everyone drives a Civic. Most of the year the downtown area is full of homeless people until the Lowell Folk Festival comes along and every suburbanite (from Chelmsford, Westford, Andover, etc.) bravely steps into the city.

It is typical for a citizen of Lowell to have witnessed a drug deal, shooting, or arrest atleast ten times throughout the year.

"Welcome to Maaahket Basket, where you get more for your dollah!"- Term everyone in Lowell loves to hear

"Let's go to the packie and then head over to Fort Hill and get wicked hammered!"- Lowell High Student

See lowell, massachusetts, city, dunkin donuts, drugs, deal, drug deal


Lowell is a city full of diversity. They are more cambodians here than the population in the United States. If you are cambodian, viet,loas, or have an asian g/f or b/f you will be at the Water Festival in July.

All asian live off of Westford Street or in the highlands, the white population lives in centralville, christian hill, or belverdere, and the hispanics and black live in the projects of downtown.

There will be some minorities living in the subherbs of lowell if their parents went to college, or made some money owning another asian restraurant.

Lowell hates the town of Dracut that borders them, so we scare them and tell them we will shoot their house down if they cross our border.

We are diverse that we have the rich folk that leave, go to vollege and come home to be lawyers or doctors, and we have the ones that don't graduate highschool, drop out, and get married to have babies.

If your in Lowell, you better start learning about 6 different languages, because no one can just speak one.

If your in downtown Lowell after the highschool gets out, you can see all the wannabe short cambodians on the side of the street trying to get a ride, the few hispanics or blacks that don't drop out of school trying to ride with the cambodians because they don't have a car, and the wannabe white asians riding with the cambodians, or the white folks with beat up 1980 ford focus car they got and packed with 7 heads.

See dracut, millcity


lowell is a medium sized shit hole melting pot city in massachusetts were you can find plenty of drugs, lowell is diverse in the highlands you will find many hatians,cambodians, and puerto ricans, in the hgh part of belvidere who will find white people but in lower belvidere known as belvi block you will find puerto ricans and all types of black people. In centerville which is known as C-Ville or Tha Ville you will find many black people mostly africans and hispanics. in south lowell you will find lots of spanish people, but in The Acres you will find black and spanish people and you will find lots of different housing projects(lowell has a lot)There is lots of gang problems in centraville and the highlands. They have multiple shootings a lot. And in down town lowell you will find drugs anywhere.

there are some rich towns surronding lowell like dracut wich is full of pussies that wish they were from lowell.

Yo nigga dis is lowell bitch you in da murda millz

See lowell, block, black, down, town


Lowell is a non-descript suburb in Middlesex County, Massachusetts. It is famous for being featured on the HBO documentary High on Crack Street, and for local author and habitual drunkard Jack Kerouac. The town is ethnically diverse with Puerto-Ricans, Southeast Asians, Portuguese, Greeks, and French Canadians, among others. While driving in Lowell, you may notice large women and wall-eyed Puerto Ricans crossing callously in front of moving traffic. You may also notice naked children playing freely in public water fountains. There is a bitter rivalry between Lowell and the more obscure, less significant town of Dracut. Dracut looks down on Lowell's violence and untidy-ness while Lowell scoffs at Dracut's snooty-ness and hot babes. Yet, when asked from where they hail, most young folks from Dracut will not say Dracut, but rather, Lowell. The town of Dracut was also recently embroiled in controversy for stealing water from Lowell. This inter-town rivalry has been famously dubbed The Cold War of Middlesex County.

Lowell is the armpit of massachusetts

See lowell, dracut, zoloft, depression, massachusetts, why, me


A large non-cancerous fatty tumor in the scrotum of inbred rednecks.

"Hey Cooter, check this durn thing out!"

"Keeter, I gander ya' got three nuts."

"Yeah, I reckon it's a lowell in my sack."

See scrotum, tumor, fatty, nuts, balls, sack


Lowell is a small city infested with the most diversified population of people. You won't see this much divergence until you see the inside of a 13 year old vietnamese prostitute, which is very common in Lowell. All you other mother fockaz are frikken wetahted. you don't even know how to spell author's. Authurs. I mean Authur's. That's how you spell it, so..... sucka dick. Well, my quarell is actually with the author of defintion #3.

There are different sections of the city that define what your race is. There is Pawtucketville, where some cool people live and some weird ass mutha fockazz. Highlands, where multiple races reside, including AZN's, Indians and cracka asses. We have centralville, or cenaville, for all the people with the fake boston accent that sounds like you're from boston but was born out of incest so you have a cleft lip and a shrivel dick. Mad Whitey's and some spanyards live over dere. There is also the section of the city called Belvidere, which everyone hates and makes facebook groups whose common interest is despising a particular part of the city. White peeps dominate tha turf. Acre is lower class, housing projects and has blacks, spanyards, and a fraction of the AZN's that inhabit the Highlands. Last but not least we have south lowell, which couldnt afford a name so they got a direction, and the city name. so sad... Also known as lower belvidere. Indians, and dirty ass white people live there.

Whenever you visit any school in lowell, especially the high school, stay until the end of the day.The Bums come out after school and watch 14 year old girls walk across the street(they got nothing else better to do)along with the creepy school cops(no offense, BUT AINT IT THE TRUTH?) that use as much force as the security guards that walk around the premises with there oversized polo t-shirts and flashy walkie talkies. Pathetic

I'm out. PCE

*FUN FACT: In the documentary HIGH ON CRACK STREET, a highly intellegent crackhead that worked at EAT A DONUT described Lowell as The American Dump.


Lowell is surrounded by towns afraid the city itself

See lowell, retarded, friggin


Ive got to disagree with #3. Everyone else is right.

Lowell a small but main city. Its made up of Centerville,South Lowell, Highlands, Acers, Belvider and a few otha places. There is a lot of asians here and a shyt load of other people. 95% of loweldoes witness a drive by, dealing, and gang fights. Most speak with an accent and dont pronounce their "R"'s. If you live in lowell you probably go to the Movies which is Lowell Showcase cinemas. Everyone knows thr bulivard and Authors dinner. Most likely if u get something pierced everyone goed downtown to "Tom"... the asian dude who runs a nail salon with his wife. want shoes? you most likely go to Giovannis. School? Lowell High. And its true we dispise people from Dracut.. why? hell do we no always been that way probably always will.. oh n last but not least APPPLETON ST! if ur not from lowell u wont no what the hell it is or its purpose

Packie not the liquor store

Authors not I Hop

The Mills ... well the mills

Frappe.. not milk shake

Bubbla... not bubbler...not a water fountain





Thats Lowell....

See lowell, millcity


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