What is Lowriders?
Loose pants that plumbers, repairmen, and fat construction workers wear which slip down exposing their buttcracks even if they wore a belt.
That fat construction worker's lowriders slip down when he's uses the jackhammer, thus exposing his crack.
Lowriders were a group of Black Korean War
vetrans who cut or heated the springs on
Buicks and Chevys when they came back to the East side of Los Angeles after the War
Los Angeles had four major gangs during that era, Lowriders,Slausons,Farmers and Watts. All these sets lowered the rears of their Cars which was called " Dago" spot lights and fender skirts along with record
players in the car was hip. White boys called the Spook Hunters also drove mostly Fords and Mercurys called Lead Sleds which would also be considered a lowrider.
Lowrider nazi's. In the jail system Long term cons and C/O's refer to the younger
inmates lowriders because they wore there
pants strung low around their ass's. Lowrider nazis are a white supremecy prison gang and have nothing to do with real lowriding.Today lowriding is a main stay in the Mexican Culture but I would need proof giving them that claim to fame
that Lowriding was invented by Mexicans.
The testicules on a hunk.
I got big lowriders baby.
Boobs that sag down. Usually found on elderly women. This "lowriders" may be wrinkly.
Damn did you see her lowriders?!?! They were practically dragging on the ground.