Luc Robitaille

What is Luc Robitaille?


The greatest scoring left winger in NHL history. Played for the Los Angeles Kings primarily, as well as the Pittsburgh Penguins, New York Rangers, and Detroit Red Wings. He is also the highest scoring (in goals) player in LA Kings history passing Marcel Dionne with a hat trick in the 2005-2006 season. A ninth round draft pick, never expected to make it in the NHL who ended his career being a shoe-in for the hall of fame. Known for willingness to crash the net, and patended half-slap shot. Will forever be known as one of the most popular players in Los Angeles sports history.

Nicknames: Lucky, and Luuuuuuuuuc!!! Which is what fans chanted during games.

"Did you see that hat trick Luc Robitaille got the other night?"

"Yeah, hes now the 'King of Kings,' wow."

See luc, luc robitaille, hockey, left wing, nhl, kings, luke, king of kings, sniper


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