What is Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds?


An alternative acronym used to refer to LSD.

Hey.. you wanna go hang wit Lucy?

See Steven


Not only is this a brillaint song featuring John Lennon with his most wailing voice ever, but it is also slang for that ever popular drug of choice, LSD

Pete: ooh, do you have Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?

Nick: Do you mean in my CD collection or in my pocket?

See Malaria


a song written by the Beatles after John Lennon's son came home with a drawing of one of his friends named Lucy O'Conner, and John asked who it was he replied:

This is Lucy, In the sky, with diamonds


Originated by The Beatles from the album, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band

Another way to say, LSD.

Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.

Look for the girl with the sun in her eyes and she's gone...


A great song by the Beatles which in no way has anything to do with LSD.

Everyone smiles as you drift by the flowers that grow so incredibly hiiiiigh...


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