What is Luggage?
Any venereal disease carried by a person. It's the gift that keeps on giving.
I was going to sleep with Lisa, but she had luggage.
A codeword for pads/ tampons. Girls use it in an emergency situation; extremely useful especially if there are guys around.
Girl1: Hey, whatsup? Why do you look so sick?
Girl2: Do you have any luggage? I'm going to
Japan .
Girl1: Yeah, I'll go grab it for you in a sec.
Guy: You get to go to Japan?? LUCKY!!!!
Girl1&2: Not really...
Term used in the hotel industrie to make colleagues aware of a hot girl/guy on the other side of the desk, without them knowing.
Receptionist1: Loads of luggage today
Receptionist2: yep
R1: Look at that luggage
R2: Yeah, best luggage today
An extremely clingy/irritating person, usually used as a name for the person rather than insult.
Piss off Luggage
Is Luggage coming?
You're very clingy/irritating Luggage