
What is Lulu?


A character from Final Fantasy Xwho is borderline goth, uses dolls as weapons, and is as volumptuous as fuck.

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A hot, horny, girl that wants to be layed.

I am so going to do that lulu.

See uhoh, hotdog, g string, peepee, lemonade, toilet paper


australian slang for the level above radness.

"did you see that? that was soo rad!"

"no way that was soo lulu."

See rad, radness, slang, lulu


A shimmering girl; synonym to beautiful,gorgeous, magnificent,extraordinary.

Lulu is the kind girl i want,Lulu is the only kind of girl i want

See magnificent, gorgeous, extraordinary, beautiful, amazing


short for Louise

(see louise, wheeze for definition)

Dude 1:You going out with louise?

Dude 2:Hell Yeah, I love Lulu

See louise, lulu, wheeze, beautiful, sexy, Scruffy Joe


A Character from Final Fantasy X. Uses Black magic to attack. My favourite character out of the series.

Lulu is one of Yuna's guardians.

See final fantasy, guardian, dark, mysterious, gothic


A very nice annoying cocky beautiful girl that is very easy 2 hate but also very easy 2 like

lulu she fits this word perfectly, but she wont admit it,,,becuse she smellz somtimes, la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

See honeybunny, chicken, helicopter, rape


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