Lumberjack Slam

What is Lumberjack Slam?


The female participant is laying completely nude, face down, and is handcuffed to each of the four bed posts.

The male stands nude on the bed located between the females feet with a full erection. He raises his hands and shimmies his fingers about(Representing tree limbs and leaves) and Shouts, "TIMBER!" After shouting, he falls(belly flop style) face first into the back of the female firmly planting his fallace into the females anal canal. This maneuver is done with the female laying face down to heighten the level of surprise. Attempt at your own risk! This can leave your man parts in tatters if done incorrectly.

This maneuver was invented while dining at Dennie's and tested later that evening.

I gave Astronut one wicked Lumberjack Slam! That kid won't be walking for a month!


When a man is having sex with a women from behind, and swings an axe into the back of women's head right before an orgasm.

"I'm going to go home and give my wife a Lumberjack Slam, then throw her body into a trash can."

See lumberjack, sexual positions, axe, murder, fun


When one, presumably a male, is recieving a blow job from another person, presumably a female, and at the point of ejaculation, pulls out, and yells "TIMBER!" as the splooge lands on her face.

Namesake: the delicious Denny's breakfast special.

Jack gave Doug the best Lumberjack Slam since his stint in prison!

See titties


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