Luol Deng

What is Luol Deng?


The most underrated NBA player out there.

Oh snap! Luol Deng just hit a J in LeBron's eye.

See balla, luol, deng, duke


Starting SF for the Chicago Bulls. Excellent midrange jumpshooter and a good slasher/finisher. Not particularly athletic, but tall for an SF (6' 9''). Decent defender. If he develops a postgame, will become Chicago's #1 option.

"Luol Deng, the Man from Sudan."

-NBA TV anchors

"Luol Deng, rhymes wit' bang."

-NBA TV anchors

"Luol Deng looks like the donkey off Shrek 2."


See chris duhon, kirk hinrich


the ill-matic gumdeng that plays on the Bulls.

see gumdengfor more info

Luol Deng is such a gumdeng


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